Divi recommended configuration for server and hosting environment

Every WordPress installation, theme, and plugin has its requirements on server resources. Divi is both a theme and plugin in a sense, a collection of an enormous amount of PHP code that works with many files at once and consumes memory according to its size.

Minimum hosting environment recommendations for Divi

According to the Divi Help & Support Center

PHP Version

Recommended: Latest, PHP 7.4 and higher

We recommend using the latest stable version of PHP, but Divi has recommended PHP 7.4 and higher. This will not only ensure compatibility with Divi, but it will also greatly speed up your website leading to less memory and CPU-related issues.


Recommended: 128M

By default, memory limits set by your host or by WordPress may be too low. This will lead to applications crashing as PHP reaches the artificial limit. You can adjust your memory limit within your php.ini file, or by contacting your host for assistance. You may also need to define a memory limit in wp-config.php.


Recommended: 64M

Post Max Size limits how large a page or file can be on your website. If your page is larger than the limit set in PHP, it will fail to load. Post sizes can become quite large when using the Divi Builder, so it is important to increase this limit. It also affects file size upload/download, which can prevent large layouts from being imported into the builder. You can adjust your max post size within your php.ini file, or by contacting your host for assistance.


Recommended: 120

Max Execution Time affects how long a page is allowed to load before it times out. If the limit is too low, you may not be able to import large layouts and files into the builder. You can adjust your max execution time within your php.ini file, or by contacting your host for assistance.


Recommended: 64M

Upload Max File Size determines the maximum file size that you are allowed to upload to your server. If the limit is too low, you may not be able to import large collections of layouts into the Divi Library. You can adjust your max file size within your php.ini file, or by contacting your host for assistance.


Recommended: 60

This sets the maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to parse input data. If the limit is too low, the Divi Builder may time out before it is allowed to load. You can adjust your max input time within your php.ini file, or by contacting your host for assistance.


Recommended: 1000

This setting affects how many input variables may be accepted. If the limit is too low, it may prevent the Divi Builder from loading. You can adjust your max input variables within your php.ini file, or by contacting your host for assistance.

Writable wp-content Directory /wp-content/

It is recommended that the wp-content directory on your server is writable by WordPress to ensure the full functionality of Divi Builder themes and plugins. Where can I find

/wp-content/ has user-supplied content and is intended to be writable by your user account and the web server process (mostly www-data, depending on your server’s configuration)

display_errors set to 0

This setting determines whether or not errors should be printed as part of the page output. This is a feature to support your site’s development and should never be used on production sites. You can edit this setting within your php.ini file, or by contacting your host for assistance.

You can find this information in the WordPress administration area when you log in.

In the admin menu go to Divi > Support Center and look for System Status panel. Green dots mean your configuration is OK, red dots mean you should address it, and yellow means you should consider improvements. You are looking for: “Congratulations, all system checks have passed. Your hosting configuration is compatible with Divi.

Having these settings right should solve your most common hosting problems with the Divi user interface, it does not mean your site is optimized for page speed and best performance, these are the common PHP settings that directly influence Divi functionality.

Picture of Canagon


In this blog post

9 Responses

  1. Very helpful post.
    Could you give the best configuration for hosting environment with DIVI and not just the minimum hosting environment?
    Thanks in advance!

  2. Bloom crashes WP on a local server environment. Of course this is the new generic 5.3 error: There has been a critical error on your website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.

    Plus WordPress are removing these parameters as of 5.4.

    Can you suggest how the php.ini should look so Divi and Bloom can work?

    1. Hi Michael, php.ini might not be your problem in your case. Make sure you updated both Divi and Bloom to the latest version. We do not have any problems with Bloom on our hosting infrastructure, so I can’t relate.

      I can share a part of our php.ini with you:

      ; php.ini custom configuration directives
      php_value[disable_functions] = “opcache_get_status”
      php_value[error_reporting] = 22519
      php_value[max_execution_time] = 180
      php_value[max_input_time] = 180
      php_value[memory_limit] = 2048M
      php_value[open_basedir] = “/var/www/vhosts/example.com/:/tmp/”
      php_value[post_max_size] = 100M
      php_value[upload_max_filesize] = 100M

      ; Following directives define pool configuration
      pm = ondemand
      pm.max_children = 25
      pm.max_requests = 500
      pm.max_spare_servers = 1
      pm.min_spare_servers = 1
      pm.process_idle_timeout = 10s
      pm.start_servers = 1


      We use PHP FPM with Nginx as a reverse proxy for Apache, so it is very hard to give you php.ini advice.

  3. Hi there, max input time and max execution time set to 180 seem to bee little too high, I am surprised, do you know why is this value recommended to 180 seconds?

    1. 180 seconds is a commonly recommended max time across all themes. The reason for this is not normally because the Theme requires this but to allow certain 3rd party plugins enough time to do complex operations. A normal website does not need this much time to do anything, but if you have a plugin with backend features that might be doing complex background stuff, you could cause unexpected behaviors by setting your max time too low.

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